Cloud Centric, Customer Focused, Enagagement Platforms

Corporate Communications have been ignored and pushed to the back office for far too long. As a result, brand managers and corporate marketing executives often struggle to provide a consistent brand experience across all outbound communications. The traditional siloed approach of multi-channel communication management has left organizations with mixed messages, inconsistent customer experiences, and costly marketing campaigns that often fall short.

Exacerbating the challenge of brand development and customer engagement are the multiple and disparate systems and databases where customer profile data resides. Each was designed to support the specific functional needs — operations, sales, customer support and so forth – but these siloed areas have made it more difficult if not impossible for organizations to deliver a consistent brand engagement.

The time has come for organizations to incorporate 366° Degrees service, a customer-facing, Cloud-centric approach to integrate and involve branding, marketing and experience management into every aspect of doing business. 366° Degrees Cloud service allows your company to create specific engagement opportunities through content creation, message context, campaign management, message effectiveness and better business intelligence and data visualization. This will enhance the customer’s experience wherever and however they wish to engage with your brand.

366° Degrees by OMI is a Second Generation Platform as a Service that addresses the disparity of traditional siloed customer data sources and allows for all corporate communications to be delivered via the Cloud-based service. Building on the collaborative nature of the Cloud, brand managers can now see how and where customers are engaging at an aggregate level. This creates a communication timeline of all interactions with end customers and allows marketing executives to deliver consistent experiences regardless of where customer data is sourced within the organization. Since 366° Degrees is designed for delivery to multiple channels this allows organizations a single source view of all communications being distributed to customers.

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