CU growth: NAFCU’s No. 1 priority in 2019

Ensuring credit unions can continue to grow and thrive in the competitive financial services industry is NAFCU’s mission, and the association’s 2019 priorities – unveiled today – will guide its efforts to obtain a regulatory environment in which growth is the priority.

“Our commitment to serving you and representing you before policymakers as your Washington Watchdog is personal,” said NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger. “For me, the NAFCU Board and staff, this means we will stop at nothing to ensure a legislative and regulatory environment that promotes health and viability for your institutions.”

NAFCU lobbyists are on Capitol Hill today for the swearing in of the 116th Congress. The association will meet with new and returning lawmakers to share its 2019 priorities and pursue opportunities to work on legislative solutions to some of the industry’s most pressing issues.


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