Cut spending, boost savings, join a credit union!

by: Christina Pontisso

USA Today advises all to stop paying bank fees and head to your nearest credit union. In the article, Here’s how too many people throw money away, author Chloe Fella Costa examines easy ways people can cut spending and boost their savings.

One of the common ways consumers are throwing away their money, repeatedly, is banking with a bank. Consumers fall victim to endless bank fees. At a credit union, there are little to no fees associated with banking.

“Credit unions typically offer FREE checking accounts and savings accounts with better interest rates.” explains Costa. In addition, credit unions work TOGETHER as a Co-Op and offer more than 30,000 surcharge-FREE ATMs.  Meaning you can withdraw money from your account at any Co-Op ATM without paying a fee! This doesn’t exist for banks, who are in competition with one another.

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