A credit union’s brand is the emotional connection members feel for their most trusted financial services partner. The institution’s logo, colors and tagline – the “look and feel” behind the brand – represent the visual symbols and reminders of what the credit union really means to its members. There are several big reasons why credit unions strive to maintain their ability to consistently express these fundamental branding elements in all their service delivery channels, from the branch to their online and mobile presence. And they insist on this control when using third-party solutions that deliver data from other platforms into their own applications.
The Challenge
CFE Federal Credit Union (CFE FCU; Lake Mary, FL; $1.6 billion assets) moved to the Symitar core data processing platform and wanted the ability to integrate the most current credit card account balance and transaction information into all of the credit union’s online and mobile service channels. Additionally, CFE FCU required the integration solution to support the credit union’s branding elements and deliver the same look and feel that members were accustomed to experiencing in the credit union’s branches and other service channels.
The Approach
CFE FCU, a long-time PSCU Owner credit union, learned that PSCU’s Data eXchange solution provided the capability to deliver real-time credit card account data to the credit union’s core Symitar system and to its online and mobile member service platforms. Equally important to CFE FCU was Data eXchange’s ability to support its branding requirements and complete the vision of giving members the best possible online and digital service experience.
Data eXchange can fetch the most current balance and transaction information for display to the member. Increased performance through Data eXchange will allow CFE FCU to build an even more complete member experience by adding more advanced technology and functionality.
CFE FCU is building a complete member experience that will eventually replace the need for members to use Access Point. By utilizing Data eXchange the credit union is actively building and integrating advanced functionality such as the ability for a member to request a balance transfer onto their card from a card at another institution, which is available today. Upcoming functionality includes the ability to lock a card with the PSCU Card Lock feature, alerts, the ability to report a card lost or stolen, CURewards balances, eStatement enrollment and travel notifications.
Data eXchange provides the data and functionality, and the credit union determines what components they want to utilize. Once integrated, the credit union can then display the information in their custom user interface in online banking and in their mobile applications. One of the most important aspects is the credit union will have complete control over the look and feel. Control over branding also creates an opportunity for the credit union to manage the specific features it chooses to make available from a particular service. This high level of control gives members the perception that their credit union possesses greater scale.
The Results
CFE FCU finds that with a low level of impact to development, they gain a high impact to the experience of members. This also improves the credit union’s ability to more effectively compete with other larger financial institutions. Additionally, CFE’s staff members saw a benefit since having access to the right information and functions through the online channels – combined with a great experience – ultimately results in fewer member calls to the contact center.
A win for members and an overall win for CFE Federal Credit Union.