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DCUC develops much-needed installation guide for defense credit unions

Tony with Installation Guide 3756×1880|Tony with Installation Guide 3756×1880

DCUC, in collaboration with military service liaisons and Lightbulb Press, has created the Installation, Policy, and Operations Guide for Military Credit Unions. This guide is designed to help defense credit unions understand their responsibilities to their local installations while highlighting the benefits of serving an installation community.

The guide describes opportunities for on-base credit unions to develop highly productive relationships with the installation community and details the financial services, education, and other obligations of their operating agreement. It also spells out the terms of the credit union’s lease agreement and the costs that should be footed by the government or installation, rather than by the credit union.

“DCUC has developed this highly practical and informative guide to help our members understand their responsibilities as an on-base credit union and the many benefits they stand to gain by becoming an integral part of the installation community.” – Anthony Hernandez, President & CEO, DCUC

The guide is packaged in a three-ring binder with clearly labeled sections to facilitate quick reference to specific topics and easily incorporate periodic updates. Special features include:

Branch-specific pages that describe policies, procedures, personnel, and terminology that distinguish each branch’s relationship with local installations

  • A calendar of events that lists both DCUC events and military holidays that can be used to foster stronger installation relationships
  • Case histories and examples of how on-base credit unions have optimized their relationship with their local installation community
  • Clear descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of the credit union CEO and branch manager and the corresponding roles of the installation commander and liaison officer
  • Sample leases, agreements, and correspondence for credit unions to use in understanding and fulfilling their obligations to the installation


DCUC members will be able to download the guide from the DCUC website for free along with reprints and new information as policies and commanders change. DCUC also expects to send hard copies of the guide to each member in late October.

Sections of the guide, such as the pages describing the responsibilities of the Branch Manager, Installation Commander, and Liaison Officer can be reproduced and shared with installation personnel. Credit unions can also put together an abridged version of the guide to make available to their installation counterparts.

The Installation, Policy, and Operations Guide for Military Credit Unions was developed in collaboration with Lightbulb Press, a financial education company that specializes in developing guides and content for military members and their families. DCUC offers an abundance of valuable resources to its members. Everything DCUC develops is with its members in mind.

To learn more about the guide, please contact DCUC at

Contact Defense Credit Union Council

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