The latest from AACUC

- by Anthony Hernandez, AACUC

We the People

Independence Day is always a good time to celebrate our nation’s many freedoms, values, and traditions. Of course, this holiday carries great historical relevance with respect to the Declaration of Independence. However, it is [...]

- by Emma Hayes, AACUC

Juneteenth: The journey to where?

Juneteenth's designation as a federal holiday represents a profound acknowledgment of African American history and the ongoing struggle for racial justice in the United States. It commemorates the pivotal moment on June 19th, 1865, when [...]

- by Jennifer Jackson, AACUC

From board room to chess boards

Designing a SERP (Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan) isn’t a cookie-cutter process; every credit union is different. Twenty years ago, these plans were a new concept in the credit union industry. Today, SERPs are common, [...]

Job openings with AACUC

Latest Press from AACUC

AACUC announces 25th Anniversary Legacy Conference

The African-American Credit Union Coalition (AACUC) has partnered with CUNA Mutual Group, a leader in insurance, investment and technology services for credit unions and members, to sponsor the 25th Anniversary AACUC Annual Conference taking place [...]