Don’t be a “wuss” when spreading the credit union message

Want to cultivate a positive working relationship with the press?

Know the media outlet’s focus and audience, provide fresh story angles—and above all, don’t be boring.

So say Lauren French (above left), a tax policy reporter for POLITICO; Ylan Mui, a financial reporter for The Washington Post; and Tucker Carlson, Fox News commentator and editor of the website, The Daily Caller. They served on a panel discussion at CUNA GAC.

Often the biggest mistake organizations make when approaching the media is timidity, Carlson says. Don’t be afraid to share what makes you unique—such as the difference between banks and credit unions.

“How hard is it? Banks are the greedy, reckless ones—and you’re not them,” he says. “You played by the rules and helped your members. It’s not like you’re part of the asbestos industry or you want to put lead in the water.

“The problem isn’t the story,” he adds, “it’s the reluctance to share it. Wusses get crushed.”

French asks one simple question when deciding whether to pursue a story: Why? “Why is your story compelling? Why now? You need a time stamp.

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