Driving self-service in government

by. Terri Jones

In every level of government, self-service is one of the driving forces behind investments in IT systems and solutions. Paper-based processes hinder the ability of government staff and constituents to obtain the documents and information they need on their own, making systems that remove paper – like an enterprise content management (ECM) solution – crucial to self-service goals in government.

Replacing paper forms with eforms, and providing constituents with an online portal to review and request information speeds up processes and reduces the number of interactions required to complete them. It also means staff no longer has to drive from branch to branch acquiring the documents they need.

But equally important is finding an ECM solution that can accomplish these goals without adding a heavy burden on IT departments. Below, listen to Kevin Keller, IT manager for the state of Nebraska, describe how OnBase by Hyland enables most agencies in Nebraska to create paperless, self-service environments – without the hassle of slow and expensive custom coding.

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