Elevating voices: a discussion about equity and inclusion in lending

I’d like to welcome you to the first of a series of conversations I will be having with real estate and real estate lending professionals regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion within our industries. I believe strongly that inclusion and equity can be strong drivers of change in an area of lending that needs to evolve.

My goal in facilitating these dialogues is to bring attention to professionals of color within the industry, invite them to share their stories and perspectives, and to draw others into the industry and the larger conversation.

These discussions will also highlight dynamics impacting homeownership rates among Black and Hispanic communities within the United States.

I recently sat down with my friend and colleague, Efe Aghimien, to discuss the minority homeownership gap, why it has become a hot topic for lenders, and what some lenders are doing to tap into these “emerging markets.” We’ll also offer a few thoughts about how diversity in the industry could help us address the gap.


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