Written byDayvia Nelson-Cloud Topics
If you have already moved to a virtual desktop environment or don’t think virtual desktop will ever be right for your organization – this post isn’t for you. However, if you are considering migrating to a virtual desktop envirornment and have a tight timeline – this post should be helpful to you.
Third-Party vs. In-house
Once you have decided to make the plunge to virtual desktops, it will be important to plan your migration out in great detail. Many factors contribute to the desktop migration timeline. One factor is the requirement of working with outside vendors.If you are currently using outside vendors for services such as IT consulting, virtual desktop hosting, Exchange hosting, Firewall management, application vendor or consultant, this may be a large factor in your implementation timeline. If we are reliant on information from a 3rdparty vendor, the timeline can depend on their communication, their availability or the accuracy of information they are providing.
Configuration Details
Another influential factor in the timeline is the amount of time it takes to obtain any and all details for the implementation. This includes a full listing of user details, permissions, applications, etc. This may be dependent on the schedule of your staff or the availability of the information we need to collect.