Fast & easy ways to promote Financial Literacy Month

by. Kayla Byers

In the United States, Financial Literacy Month has been officially celebrated in April since 2003 to highlight the importance of realistic money management skills and support ways of teaching Americans of all ages how to establish and maintain positive, healthy financial habits.

Even if you haven’t spent months planning, and are now realizing that April is already a week over, you can still take this opportunity to branch out of your day-to-day activities to celebrate and promote Financial Literacy Month with your young adults.

Here are a few ideas that you can use in your branches:

  • Hold a sign-up promotion. It could be after-hours with free snacks and a prize drawing. Don’t underestimate the power of free food when it comes to young adults.
  • Host monthly savings goals. People can pledge to save a certain amount during April or May, and those who do so can win prizes or a savings certificate.
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