FinovateFall 2012: A Recap

Filed under: My Virtual StrongBox

We were so thrilled to be chosen as a presenter at FinovateFall 2012. This being our first year, we weren’t exactly sure what to expect. We knew we’d have to demo our product on stage in front of a huge audience of financial technology experts, but little did we know what a whirlwind we were in for…

Day 1, Tuesday – Rehearsal

We got a little stage time to rehearse our presentation and make sure we had the right set-up for our laptop/iPad combination. The Javits Convention Center is a huge building and the exhibition hall is very large…we were certainly impressed, wondering what it would look like full of people.

The answer: impressive, and a little intimidating. There were thousands of people in the hall, some watching, some prepping, all buzzing about what they were going to see over the next two days.

For those of you unfamiliar with how Finovate works, sixty-four demos are shown over two days. The demos are each 7 minutes long, and not a minute longer. If your demo runs long, you get “gonged” – they shut off your microphone, stop your demo and kick you off the stage.

It only happened once. But it was a terrifying prospect.

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