Focusing on ROI leadership

It might be fall and the leaves are beginning to change, but as leaders of our organizations, we typically know this time of the year as “budget season,” and we’ve been spending a lot of time and energy mapping out our priorities for the next calendar year. This is why a recent piece in Forbes by Dee Brown, CEO of the P3 Group, on the importance of sound ROI leadership decisions stood out to me.

Brown starts off by discussing the foundation of “ROI Leadership,” explaining that, as leaders, we must be able to make decisions that will lead to a strong return on investment both for our organizations and our employees. The ability to make decisions that will provide value for our organizations isn’t always easy, but those who are ROI-focused tend to have the ability to identify opportunities, make informed decisions, and take decisive action.

Brown outlined several key factors to help leaders focus more on providing value to their organization and employees, recommending the following:

  1. Clearly define your goals. Ask yourself what you want to achieve and seek options that will put you on the right path.


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