#FreeBritney Part 2: A 5-step guide to gaining financial independence

Britney Spears and her #FreeBritney followers celebrated a huge victory last month in her long battle for financial independence. From NPR:

“After 13 years of controlling Britney Spears’ finances, Jamie Spears has filed a document in Los Angeles Superior Court agreeing to step down as the conservator of his daughter’s estate. The move comes weeks after the singer filed a petition asking that her father be removed from his position, and that he be charged with conservatorship abuse.”

In part one of our blog series, we outlined Spears’ 13-year fight for control of her own finances and personal autonomy. Following the removal of her father from his position as Spears’ conservator, the pop superstar is well on her way to (finally!) achieving financial independence. In this blog post, we’ll outline the five steps you need to take if you want to achieve the same goal.

Step #1: Identify your financial goals.


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