Gwyneth Paltrow: A marketing genius, kind of.

By: Bo McDonald

Last week actress Gwyneth Paltrow announced her separation from musician husband Chris Martin on her website “GOOP.” Her statement began as you would expect: “It is with hearts full of sadness that we have decided to separate…” The heading under which the announcement was posted has become somewhat of a social media sensation this past week though. She didn’t describe it as a separation, divorce, or split. Instead, she chose to define it as a “Conscious Uncoupling.”

The end of any relationship is to be lamented. But how many times per week or even per day do your members or customers perform a “conscious uncoupling” with your brand? It may be over a service issue, or maybe they have outgrown your service offerings. For whatever reason, your once loyal fan with a heart full of sadness, decided to separate with you.

In a New York Times article last year, Audrey Brashich described her break-up with fashion brand J. Crew. “I was in love with the clothes and became a devotee. I considered myself a J. Crew person,” said Brashich, whose first high school job happened to be at a J. Crew store. Half jesting, she said it was as devastating as a romantic breakup. Anger was the first emotion she felt, saying “I would go into the stores and tell the manager, ‘I’m your target customer; you’re losing me.’ ” Depression followed anger.  “I don’t have my brand anymore. I don’t know where to shop. If I need new, hip khakis, I don’t know where to go.”

Most times, a “conscious uncoupling” with your brand will happen quietly, without fanfare or notice. No matter what, it will happen. But what steps are you taking through your marketing message to let your fans know that you care? Any “conscious uncouplings” could be prevented by just showing some love for your members. Let them know that you appreciate their business. You can’t win them all, but you shouldn’t be losing as many as you are.

We at YMC aren’t Justin Bieber fans, but we should follow his lead and make sure our fans know they are loved:

My fans are sexy. Yes they are. They can’t help themselves. It is just how they do.”

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