Hire one today

Young professionals play a critical role in the future of the credit unions you tend, the communities you serve, and world we call home. Managers and executives alike have their preferences, sure. But today is the day we insist on actively pursuing, drafting, and developing young professionals within, among, and around this movement. 

These renewed perspectives and insights are an advantage most ways you slice. If you have a young hire directly out of school for example, the learning mindset will linger, and they will absorb information quicker than other generations in the workplace. If your prospect has little experience, then you are starting with a very pliable clay, and the expectations of your organization will more than likely become theirs, steadfast and in due time. The culture of your credit union now grows a skosh less encumbered by previous work experience, structural conflicts, or other pains. 

Speaking of expectations, aren’t we clambering over the top of one another for newer, stronger, faster technologies? Core conversions, online and mobile banking upgrades, interactive teller machines, voice banking…any of these seem familiar? Remember, most Millennials and now all of Generation Z are growing up immersed in the newest, strongest, fastest tech offerings to date. Younger groups truly have an affinity for figuring out “how it works” and for applying that skillset to alternative and more creative offerings. 

Oh, and young professionals are by and large quite passionate beasts – they hope and want to make a difference. As the social climate shifts and political arenas rage and the economy turns this way and that, who is on the frontline? Young professionals today are experiencing the difficulties of such dynamics as they navigate the paths to their futures. This should not be lost on credit union employers, because these are opportunities, opportunities who are undoubtedly becoming the leaders of this industry.    

The slow but sure killing of the “we’ve always done it this way” thinking has no doubt delivered joy and peace to many a progressive CUer. Times are indeed changing. Crash and i3 programs, young professional groups and conferences, youthful chapters, young executives, and young innovators are spilling in from all corners of the industry, and into the lights. And we must all of us pay attention.

Michael Murdoch

Michael Murdoch

Michael, CUDE, CCUFC, (he/him) has primarily held marketing and communications roles within Pacific Northwest credit unions. Michael serves as a CUNA Diamond Awards and Conference Committees Member, Co-Chair of ... Details