How accountability can lead to success

Anyone who’s ever decided to start a weight-loss program at the beginning of the year, knows it’s easy to quit around February-ish. No matter what kind of challenge you’re trying to tackle, it helps to be held accountable by a friend or colleague that you trust. Here are a few benefits of accountability you should think about before you try to achieve a goal by yourself…

It will keep you less distracted: There will always be something that tries to steal your time. It’s easy to get distracted by everything going on around you. When you have a difficult goal in front of you, it’s harder to keep yourself focused and engaged. If you know someone is going to call you out on your progress, it’s easier to keep your eyes looking forward.

It will provide someone to cheer you on: If you’re allowing someone to hold you accountable, is obviously a person who cares enough to support you in your journey to your goal. Some days you won’t want to do the things you need to do (like go to the gym), but fortunately, you’ll have someone in your corner. They can keep you motivated when you start to struggle. You say “I can’t,” but they’ll be there to say “You can do it!”

It will give you twice the brain power: When you’re trying to tackle a challenge, you can sometimes get lost on your journey. Having someone to bounce ideas off of and help you navigate the difficult times, can be a HUGE benefit. Don’t try to go it alone when there’s no reason to.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for Web: Details