How to create a compliance culture at your credit union

By Emily Maxie

Today, we’re presenting a guest blog post from our friends over at Credit Union Resources. Steve Gibbs, CUCE, BSACS, AVP Shared Compliance, shares some great tips on how to create a culture of compliance at your credit union.

In an environment where we talk about “Sales Culture,” “Lending Culture,” and “Marketing Culture” there seems to be no voice for a “Compliance Culture.” After all, don’t we create “cultures” for those items that benefit us the most? How do you establish the value or benefit for a non-earning area? Believe me, when you look at the facts, it’s not a hard-sell.

Management Buy-In

For any idea to flourish in an organization, management must get behind it. Why should management support a Compliance Culture? It’s very simple: the Compliance Risk Rating in regulatory examinations has a direct effect on the Management Rating.

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