How to Win $10K in CO-OP’s THINK Prize Competition: CO-OP’s Samantha Paxson explains…


Does the tune of $10K get your creative juices flowing? Well, it should, as it’s already time to think about CO-OP Financial Services 2014 THINK Prize competition. CO-OP recently announced its call for entries for this always intriguing contest that has already touted some impressive ideas the last few years — along with those $10,000 winners. CO-OP’s VP of Marketing Samantha Paxson reveals contest requirements, what they look for in top entries, and examples of years past winners. We also discuss plans for the 2014 THINK Conference in New Orleans, May 19-22, 2014. So if you think you have a good idea that will propel the industry forward and $10,000 kind of interests you, then you might think about entering this annual contest. Check it out!

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