How your credit union benefits from mobile purchases – with Loop’s Greg Ewald


Yes, nearly all of us are in agreement that paying for stuff with your mobile is pretty cool and mighty convenient. But how does your credit union benefit from mobile purchases in a retail environment? What does it say about your credit union when you can integrate with new tech solutions that enable mobile purchases — especially in the retail environment? And how will it influence your members’ buying behavior?

To answer these questions and more, we invited Loop’s VP of Marketing Greg Ewald on the show to display his company’s latest mobile payments solution and how it can benefit your credit union. Loop’s technology now allows consumers to pay just about anywhere with their mobile — which can be quite the value add to your credit union’s card offering. Once you start using Loop’s app, you’ll be hooked — which means your members will be hooked using your credit union’s cards. Sounds like a good deal.

Check out our chat with Mr. Ewald and let us know your thoughts on how this tech will change your credit union. Enjoy!


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