If You Are Reading This, You May Know Content Is King

Let’s face it, consumers are on content overload and are overwhelmed daily with a variety of news and marketing messages. Needless to say (but I am stating it anyway), news travels faster and further than ever before, because we are now more connected and readily share content, good and bad, through social media. Connectivity should be a good thing, right? Generally speaking, it is. But technology is allowing audiences to filter news and content with greater ease. Simply put, if your content is not relevant, it is being ignored.

Here are some considerations:

  • We already know that financial services is a commoditized industry. How is your content strategy changing that? It’s safe to assume that your members know you offer ways to borrow and save. So instead, focus your content in a way that it helps differentiate you.
  • Content needs to be useful for your audience. Does your content strategy help members do their job better? Does it entertain? Does it provide knowledge? Your members face many points of pain when it comes to daily finances, so let’s help alleviate some of that pain.
  • Not all content you produce needs to focus on financial literacy and education; you can talk about your role in the local community or partner with local businesses or experts. While the national economy continues to struggle, your local economy might be doing great. Let’s try to be more upbeat. And relevant.
  • Credit Unions should be more about sharing good news. Afterall, you are an advocate. Do you share good news and tell stories about your successes? We should be telling real stories everyday demonstrating how we improve people’s lives. Again, positive messaging may resonate with members in these “uncertain” times.
  • “Conversation” is a significant part of being a cooperative. Can you demonstrate your content is driving two-way dialog with those you serve? Find ways to bring your members into the conversation and let them provide some content. Put some social in your media, even if you don’t participate in social media. Otherwise, you’re just taking at people.
  • Your website may not be the answer. Are you connecting with members when they log in to online banking to check a balance or pay a bill? More than 90% of your members bypass the rest of your website. You need to engage members behind the online banking log in.
  • Credit Unions are embracing mobile banking and that is a great thing. But do you have a content strategy for mobile channels? In many ways, mobile is becoming the internet. You likely have alert functions built into mobile banking, online banking and PFM. Are you using these channels and are they part of your content strategy?

Now, more than ever, credit union marketers and executives need to engage members with a strong content strategy. As an industry, we need to make content work better and support the value of credit union membership.

Bryan Clagett is a principle driver of Geezeo’s global marketing, brand and outreach efforts. Clagett joins founders Shawn Ward and Peter Glyman in establishing Geezeo as the premier personal financial management provider in the financial services industry. Since 1987, Bryan has held a number of executive positions in the financial services industry. www.geezeo.com

Bryan Clagett

Bryan Clagett

Bryan is on the executive team and singularly focused on driving revenue growth through a variety of new initiatives that help financial services and fintech become ever more relevant to ... Web: https://www.strategycorps.com Details