Including women on your board of directors creates a mix of thinkers for the digital age

Boards of directors — for corporate enterprises, charitable organizations, professional societies — play extremely important and responsible oversight roles. The way I see it, they are positions women should aspire to as they provide the opportunity to analyze and validate the strategy of an organization, broaden their business perspective and make them better professionals and leaders within their own organization.

Female board members are far from the only beneficiaries of this leadership opportunity, however.

The Digital Age Calls For A Multi-Lens View

The positive outcomes realized by organizations stem from the guidance they receive from a rich mix of thinkers on their boards. The digital age requires leaders to continuously analyze how the various aspects of their businesses intersect. That necessitates a multi-lens view of the organization. Therefore, intentionally bringing qualified women into this space adds a level of richness to the board’s approach. Not only does this mix of thinkers generate a diversified way of looking at issues, but it also avoids the potential for the development of an innovation-stifling echo chamber.


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