Insider tips for credit unions about millennial job-seekers

If your credit union wants to grab the attention of Millennial job-seekers, start by putting yourself where they can find you: social media. Millennials are known for conducting extensive pre-interview research and relying heavily on their network. Therefore, having an online presence is essential. You already know what you are searching for in new employees. Here is a quick look at what millennials want from YOU (as a potential employer):

Meaningful work – Millennials find satisfaction in being part of and contributing to something bigger than themselves. Give them a sense of meaning at work by recognizing their contributions and create meaning in work by delegating tasks to fit their strengths (or provide training for new challenges).


Authentic leadership – Considered the most educated generation in history, millennials want to develop their skills with the help of feedback and coaching to be a better team player. They don’t want to waste time where they are not valued. Encourage team activities and break the normal routine to increase creativity and performance.


Valuable experience – There are reasons why millennials have been viewed as “non-committal” when it comes to their job histories. They need experience! Provide them with new opportunities and room for growth so there’s no reason for them to look elsewhere.


Enhanced flexibility – Work-life balance has changed dramatically as a result of constant attachment to technology. If millennials can take the time to answer an email on a Saturday, they expect to be able to take off an afternoon to drive their child to gymnastics.


When combined, the above points equal a high performance work environment. Until recently, it was unheard of for companies to have ping pong tables and game time at work. Such as essay company on german hausarbeit schreiben lassen in Berlin.  It’s no mystery who played a part in creating this fun work culture. …Now’s the time to get out there and find millennial talent to add to your team!

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for Web: Details