Is your credit union holding itself accountable?

“Where there is no accountability, there will also be no responsibility.” ― Sunday Adelaja

Like any great sports team, a credit union team is only as strong as their least engaged teammate. The best teams in history have not had that one, singular all-star player but a collection of teammates who held each other accountable and accomplished their common goal. Think about what your credit union goals are for 2020. Can you accomplish them yourself? The answer is most likely no. Can you accomplish them working as a team? If each teammate holds themselves responsible and they hold each other accountable, the answer is absolutely!

How do you foster an environment of team accountability? It starts with you. Most likely, you hold weekly or monthly one-on-ones with your direct reports. Is the talk purely numbers and goal driven? Break down the conversation to a more actionable level of interaction. Really discuss the how, in terms of process and technique, more than the what regarding numbers.  The goal is to uncover what steps are being taken on individual interactions with members to affect your bottom line. Make it mission driven instead of metric driven. If the mission is effective, the metrics will follow suit. This may sound counterintuitive but remember, if you focus more on the destination and not on the path, the destination will take longer to reach.

Start by reviewing new memberships and loan applications for the prior week. Collect a sample size of each and discuss with your leadership team what you find.


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