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Keeping up with the consistency of change

Surreal Landscape With A Split Road And Signpost Arrows Showing Two Different Courses

As a credit union (CU), you’re so much more than a place where people store their money. Your institution is a place of enlightenment, support, opportunity, and growth, and those qualities are always in flux. As the world and your community evolves, so too must the way you do business.

Retaining members, bolstering member loyalty, and attracting new members are all crucial ventures at a CU, and these days, ensuring the success of those ventures heavily relies on the adoption of new technologies. If there’s anything that the world at large learned in the spring of 2020, it’s that technology makes the impossible more possible than ever. As we’ve adapted to our more digital world, we’ve learned to work, play, and connect in exciting ways, sparking a workplace and educational revolution in the process.

Now that we’ve realized what boundless capabilities technology affords us all, bolstering your current digital offerings is high up on the to-do list. Your members have gotten used to the ease of doing nearly everything on their phones, from ordering groceries to monitoring their spending after years of economic upheaval. Providing the tools they need to easily manage their finances from their phones, rather than leaving them to rely on potentially untrustworthy options, shows your CU is evolving to meet the needs of the modern consumer while striving to keep them safe.

Making your suite of digital offerings widely known will attract new (and younger) members to your CU. For younger Millennials and older Gen Zers, technology is all they know, and Gen Zers are the first digitally-native generation. But despite this connectivity, both generations have low levels of financial literacy overall, leaving them vulnerable to financial uncertainty, anxiety, and mistakes. Now that they’re in the age brackets where saving, investing, and planning are unavoidable, seeking solid financial guidance is becoming increasingly important. Transforming your CU into that guiding light is not only a smart idea, it’s a necessary one.

Thanks to Zogo’s award-winning financial literacy products and services, delivering the latest tech-forward educational capabilities and bolstering member loyalty is simpler than ever.

Request a demo from Zogo to learn more about their financial services.

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