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Know the demographic your credit union is targeting

Drawing from their separate areas of expertise, Manuel Hochheimer, JanetMcNeilly, and Jeanette Radmer teamed up to identify the Spokane Valley,Wash., credit union’s target demographics and introduced initiatives to broadenits market share within those segments.

The trio’s Dealer Center Outbound Conversion Program dramaticallyimproved engagement among indirect auto loan recipients. Its University OutreachProgram deepened interactions between Numerica and more than ahalf-dozen colleges in its service area. And the credit union’s emphasis on thegrowing medical, dental, educational, and small-business communities in theregion meshes with its goal of attracting more 25- to 49-year-olds.

Radmer sums up the team’s strategy:“Be strategic in your businessdevelopment efforts. Know the demographicyour credit union is targetingin its efforts to be successful andthrive in the future. Then, reach out tothat demographic, get to know them,and introduce them to the benefitsyour credit union has to offer.”

The group’s successful onboardingprogram stands out as its chief accomplishment.In the past year, Numericaconnected with approximately 70% ofits indirect members, converting nearly20% of them into primary financialinstitution members—a rate about 10times the industry average.

John Pettit