Leaders in Lending | Ep. 137: How fintech supports users during financial crisis

It takes the right legislation and regulations to ensure a safe and secure experience, but how does that apply to personal use applications such as Venmo, Cashapp, DoorDash, and buy now Pay Later services?

Keeping fintech applications modern and competitive globally while maintaining that safety can feel like an uphill battle, and yet it’s an essential practice for fintech to survive in the states and overseas.

That’s why people like Penny Lee, President and CEO of the Financial Technology Association, step in to stand at the intersection of regulatory changes, financial crises, and innovative product development.

Lee holds a unique blend of knowledge around politics, policy, and investing, giving her a clear picture of how they intersect and why they must work together — for Lee, balancing the needs of consumers and regulators is practically second nature and she leverages all of her experience to help foster positive impact, even amid a financial crisis.


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