Mark 401(k) Day with this easy checklist for managing your retirement

Being financially prepared for retirement is a top concern for many Americans. With more people living paycheck-to-paycheck and the cost of living and healthcare costs on the rise, many people struggle with saving for the future.

This is especially alarming when you take into consideration that most Americans will need at least $1-$1.3 million to retire, and Millennials will likely need between $1.8 and $2.5 million.

To help bring saving for retirement to the top of mind for 401(k) plan participants across the country, the Plan Sponsor Council of America (PSCA) named September 9 401(k) Day. They also provided a handy checklist to help you ensure your retirement savings goals are on track.

You can use this checklist to get to know the important numbers and other details of your retirement plan to ensure you are on the way to building a healthy financial future.


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