Market harder or smarter? Or something else?

Market harder?

In viewing the TikTok, I stumbled upon this video message (Hey, if we can call a movie “The Batman,” I can call it the TikTok!):

“A serious mistake a whole generation of people have done, that if you study, how should you study? ‘Hard. Study harder,’” said Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, an Indian guru. “If you work, how should you work? ‘You must work hard.’

“Why didn’t they tell you, ‘You must study joyfully?’ Why didn’t they tell you, ‘You must work lovingly,’” he continued. “No. you must do everything hard and then you complain. And then you complain about everything in life because you do everything hard.”

Perhaps it’s time to hit the reset button on how you advertise your credit union. Call it “marketing harder” or to put it another way, “tossing spaghetti at the wall,” isn’t it time to stop?


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