McWilliams accepts CU Hero of the Year Award

‘Everyone who embraces credit union philosophy and uses it every day makes a difference.’

“I believe that everyone who embraces the credit union philosophy and uses it every day makes a difference,” says Tom McWilliams, who was named Credit Union Hero of the Year.

Tom McWilliams, senior vice president of the Mississippi Credit Union Association, received Credit Union Magazine’s 2018 Credit Union Hero of the Year award during Thursday’s general session at the America’s Credit Union Conference in Boston.

Throughout his career McWilliams has made an impact on credit union professionals throughout the country through the educational programs he crafts.

“He has a relationship with virtually everyone in the state of Mississippi and nationwide,” says Charles Elliott Jr., president/CEO of the Mississippi Credit Union Association, who introduced McWilliams during the award presentation.

McWilliams received a standing ovation from the crowd as Elliott, CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle, and representatives from award sponsor Trellance presented the award.


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