Navigating social media waters can be challenging for any marketer. For financial institution (FI) marketers, in particular, making appropriate use of tools like Twitter can be especially tricky.
Fortunately, as marketers gain more experience in the social realm, they are learning lessons that can be applied to everyday business use of social media tools. Understanding some of the most common marketing missteps can help your FI best leverage social media to your marketing advantage.
Here are some tips to help you avoid five common mistakes on which the CU Times recently reported:
- Keep tweeting — It’s important to tweet regularly. Once a Twitter account is created, even if it sits unused, it is easy for customers and prospects to find. Often, when someone Googles your FI by name, your Twitter account will pop up in the search. Consider the message an unused Twitter account conveys. If you decide Twitter isn’t the best medium for your FI, there is a simple process for account deactivation.
- Beware of fake followers — Experts advise checking the status of your Twitter followers, as a number of institutions may have inactive or fake followers. Fake followers can present a danger if you “follow” them back and they start spamming you. A follower’s status can be checked easily via @Status People.