More bang for your (internet) marketing buck
We’re now working with our clients to update their websites to become more in tune with what consumers need in 2014. One question they often ask is: “do we get anything from our website?” In most surveys we have done in regard to the sites, the overwhelming response to “why do you visit the website?” is simply to login to online banking.
Lately, we’ve been producing more custom content for client websites that members will find interesting or educational. Some of it is pop culture related with a financial tie in; other content is focused solely on basic financial education.
We’ve also focused many ad buys away from traditional media and more toward internet marketing. Not just online web ads, but we’ve seen great successes come from utilizing Pandora and retargeting. Wait, what? Retargeting?
Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a form of online advertising that can help you keep your brand in front of bounced traffic after they leave your website. For most websites, only 2% of web traffic converts to a “sale” on the first visit. Retargeting is a tool designed to help brands reach the other 98% of users who don’t convert right away.
How does it work? You start by placing a small piece of code on your website. The code, or pixel, is not noticeable and won’t affect your site’s performance. However, every time a new visitor comes to your site, the code drops an anonymous browser cookie. Later, when your website visitors browse other sites throughout the internet, the cookie will let your retargeting provider know when to serve ads. It ensures that your ads are directed only to people who have previously visited your site.
Internet shoppers are fickle; they like to window-shop. Whether it’s someone taking a look at your loan rates, or a long-time member wanting a new loan, retargeting is a great opportunity to make sure when the window shopping is done that YOU get the business!
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