NAFCU, trades urge proper regulation, oversight of payments charters

In a letter to Congress, NAFCU joined with several other financial services industry organizations to outline concerns with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) newly proposed special purpose payments charter for non-bank and to oppose the OCC’s “effort to grant commercial companies like Amazon and Facebook a national payments charter to access the Federal Reserve payments system and safety net.”

The group argued that innovation “should not undermine systemic stability of the financial system,” and cannot come at the cost of ensuring a safe and sound financial services system.

“A payments charter for non-banks firms raises a number of regulatory concerns—such as the continuation of the long-standing principles of the separation of banking and commerce, application of traditional banking statutes and regulations governing safety and soundness and consumer protection, and, most significantly, the potential introduction of systemic risk into the payments system,” wrote the trades.

In addition, the group noted that allowing commercial companies to access a payments charter would:


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