Alogent News Archives

Tech must-haves for 2015

Tech must-haves for 2015

Don’t forget your members when choosing where to invest your budget dollars As 2014 comes to a close and technology budgets are finalized for the coming year, many credit unions are considering key technology [...]

Do millennials scare you? They should.

Do millennials scare you? They should.

Why? Because they can live -- at least, they can bank -- without you. The smartphone has already revolutionized how we communicate and how we find and consume information. Now, it is upending traditional banking [...]

Mobile momentum- stay ahead of the game

Mobile momentum- stay ahead of the game

Mobile banking has become one of the most rapidly growing services that consumers expect from their financial institution.  Today, consumers increasingly rely on the availability and feature set of mobile banking apps to decide which [...]

The future of mobile banking

The future of mobile banking

Mobile banking has evolved considerably over the past several years. Changing consumer preference and behavior, differing approaches and solutions offered by solutions providers, and developing trends in mobile technology have considerably increased the value of [...]