CSI News Archives

The benefits of APIs in sanctions screening

The benefits of APIs in sanctions screening

As technology becomes more sophisticated and continues to influence the way organizations conduct business, the need for efficient and dependable watch list screening increases exponentially. For companies caught dealing with a blocked entity on the [...]

Your 7-step guide to a digital account-opening system

Your 7-step guide to a digital account-opening system

Competition in the financial sector is fierce—not only from other banks, but also from the likes of Amazon, Apple and Google. These behemoths of technology—and, more importantly, the customer experience—are all looking [...]

8 tips for improving your IT policies

8 tips for improving your IT policies

“Cybercrime is relentless, undiminished, and unlikely to stop.” This dire statement from the 2018 McAfee Economic Impact of Cybercrime report cannot be ignored. The study, conducted in association with the Center for Strategic and International [...]

Video: CSI Banking Priorities Executive Report 2019

Video: CSI Banking Priorities Executive Report 2019

What will rise as the hot-button issue for bankers in 2019? To find out, CSI polled 220 executives at U.S. financial institutions across the country, asking questions that uncover the strategies and issues they [...]

8 steps to CCPA compliance

8 steps to CCPA compliance

California is the first state to pass a comprehensive consumer privacy law with far-reaching implications. First, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) can affect organizations without a physical location in California. Second, it may push [...]

What are the next big steps in payments security?

What are the next big steps in payments security?

Over the past few years, the financial sector has witnessed the jet-fueled expansion of e-commerce. More consumers flock to the convenience of online and mobile shopping today than ever before, and the discussion surrounding payments [...]