Next Generation of International Credit Union Leadership in Action

By. Rodney Wilson

Last month 10 young credit union professionals and I were dispatched from various parts of the United States to the Dominican Republic to participate in the International Credit Union Leadership Program. This Professional Fellowship was made possible by a grant from the U.S. State Department, the World Council of Credit Unions and the support of our respective leagues and credit unions.

World Council placed my 10 colleagues and me in various credit unions and credit union association offices in the Dominican Republic. I spent my time in the fellowship working at the Dominican Republic’s Credit Union Association, la Asociación de Instituciones Rurales de Ahorro y Crédito, Inc. (AIRAC).

During my time at AIRAC, I had the honor of working with Don Virginio Rafael Gerardo, Executive Director of AIRAC, to organize a government affairs workshop, in which I presented on best government affairs and lobbying practices. The event was a success with more than 30 credit union professionals from all over the Dominican Republic in attendance. I had great feedback from the audience, many of whom wanted to keep in touch for future government affairs questions.

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