Overcoming job complacency

Are you burned out? Bored? Coasting? Complacent? Counting down the days to retirement? You spend too much time at work to live this way. Let me give you a little nudge to wake up and move out of the fog of complacency with some plain and simple advice.  

I have been there before. I’ve worked at my credit union for 32 years, hired in as a teller and now the CEO. Somewhere in between, I found myself in the above description. I want to share with you the steps I took to move out of my funk and begin loving my job again. 

Get a pen and paper because we are doing this old school style. No app. No website. It is time to make some lists and be honest with yourself about your situation. 

List 1: What do you like about your job today?

Even if this list is short, there are things you do like about your job or you wouldn’t still be there. 

List 2: If you had a magic wand, what would you change about your job?

This list gives you clarity about what you really want. Is it a better relationship with your boss? A change in work hours? Certain tasks? Get specific. What would you change if you had the power to change it?

List 3:  Given your current situation and current limitations what are the smallest steps you can take right now to move toward List 2.

My list 3 looked like this:

  • Find a conference for fresh inspiration
  • Go to lunch with a leader I admire and ask advice
  • Help one person each day
  • Start walking around more and visiting with others daily
  • Talk to my boss about my career path

Finding a conference to attend was the shot in the arm I needed (Thank you CUES). My lunch with a leader turned into me finding a mentor to meet with monthly. Simply forcing myself to get outside my office and walk around each day was huge. It allowed me to begin engaging more with others instead of being withdrawn and isolated.  

In just a few months, I was back engaged and loving my job like I did in the beginning. I just needed to be honest with myself about my situation and then figure out the smallest steps I could take to move forward.   

We are in the business of people helping people. When you are burned out and checked out, you are not capable of helping others. Give yourself some help first. Be honest and get clear on the steps you need to take. It won’t be long and you will be back in the game, helping others and loving your job again.

Amy Downs

Amy Downs

In addition to being the CEO of Allegiance Credit Union, Amy also speaks on the importance of resisting complacency.  Amy survived the 1995 OKC bombing and later transformed her life ... Details