
Unity in financial empowerment

Raiz FCU celebrates its Juntos Avanzamos designation

EL PASO, TX (October 16, 2023) — On Thursday, October 12, 2023, Raiz Federal Credit Union (Raiz FCU) hosted a vibrant fiesta celebration to commemorate its Juntos Avanzamos designation. Inclusiv, a CDFI certified organization dedicated to closing the gaps and removing barriers to financial opportunity, provided Raiz with recognition for its efforts in providing financial empowerment to Hispanic and immigrant members. The event took place at the Raiz FCU Operations Building located at 1241 Pullman Dr.

This designation symbolizes Raiz’s dedication to foraging new paths for its community by incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion in everything they do. The event included a presentation of a Certificate of Recognition from Senator Blanco’s Office and a heartfelt testimonial from Patricia Reyes, a Raiz member who gained recognition on the PBS reality TV series Opportunity Knock$. Patti expressed her gratitude and shared her sentiment for Raiz’s support which played a pivotal role in her financial journey to success and empowerment, “Raiz helped me build a positive mindset and provided me with hope for a better financial future. As a single parent and recent U.S. citizen, the opportunities and resources that Raiz has provided for me have been incredible.” – Read more about Patti’s story here.

The evening of festivities commenced as Raiz FCU proudly raised its Juntos Avanzamos designation flag in front of its operations building, followed by the unveiling of a captivating mural created by local artist Christin Apodaca, known for her work celebrating Latino culture and heritage. The mural features two interlaced hands, surrounded by roots with the words “Juntos Avanzamos; Together We Advance” written within them. The intertwining of these hands symbolizes the partnerships Raiz has formed and its belief in working hand in hand to advance, create positive change, and make a real impact in the lives of those served. The roots pay homage to the identity and core values of Raiz (Spanish for “root”), and the growth that is achieved when working together.

About Raiz Federal Credit Union

At Raiz (pronounced as "rise" in English and "rah-EES" in Spanish), our members and strong, vibrant community inspire us daily. We share a passion for knowledge and the pursuit of growth, grounded in our heritage as El Paso Area Teachers Federal Credit Union (TFCU). Today, we guide members from many professions to focus on their goals and help them get here. We're proud of our roots in El Paso (since 1936) as we envision a bold path forward, leading the way with passion. We are over 70,000 members strong and provide a full range of high-quality financial services at the great rates and low costs you can expect from a first-class credit union. Join us and experience the difference that comes from working with people who care. The meaning behind our name: Spanish for root, our new identity grows from our heritage in the community. Grounded in the roots of our beginning with teachers, sharing a passion for knowledge and pursuit of growth. We inspire our members and employees to feel connected to our future potential together. We are rising and inviting people to move forward with us. As we look out to the light over the Franklin Mountains rising from El Paso, we look up and ahead to an even brighter tomorrow.


Ale Loeza | Marketing & PR Manager |
915-926-2698 |

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