Protect your key leadership from recruiters

As a business owner, you likely already spend a significant amount of time searching for and hiring employee leaders. Once you have the right people in your employ, you want to guard against others tracking them down and poaching them. When employees leave, you not only lose the knowledge and experience you’ve spent time instilling in them, but you also may lose customers who prefer to continue working with that one employee rather than with the employees remaining at your company.

Here’s how you can protect your company from losing key leaders when recruiters call.

Make Your Company a Place People Don’t Want to Leave

Experts agree that the best way to prevent talented employees from leaving is to be proactive. Stay on the lookout for what employees want and make your company somewhere people want to stay.

  • Offer top employees new projects and new challenges regularly. Leadership employees, in particular, often look for the next big thing to accomplish or learn. If you can provide new learning opportunities to these employees, they’ll have less reason to look elsewhere for their next challenge. Cross-training and rotating management tasks among your leadership are great ways to provide opportunities for growth and development.
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