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Scaling smart, organizations strategic positioning of their partners


As technology plows through industries and undetected disruptors threaten to shake the foundation of many industries; the need for speed is more relevant than ever before. Many large organizations that seemed stable have been dissolved or acquired over the past decade. Some progressive organizations in mature industries are taking a more proactive approach to their market growth through strategic partnerships. In my career of working with many industry leaders one of their top areas of focus is on Scale. Leveraging smart strategic partners is a fast way to scale, through combined efforts that allow for cohesive integrations and cultivate scalability. There are many layers of risk that can be mitigated through partnerships and play on each other’s core strengths. Organizations that put their stake in the sand and declare what they are best at delivering and what their core competencies are; can be best positioned to successfully identify the partners that collectively benefit both the organizations and the populations they serve. Two good examples of strategic partnerships are the recent partnership between John Henry, PSCU, and First Data; and/or the partnership between IBM and Hortonworks. Both partnership examples are strategic to scalability and their market position to focus on expanding their core business and continue to aggressively outgrow the competition.


Carolyn Eagen

Carolyn Eagen

Sogeti USA