Secrets of a successful email newsletter

Have you heard? Less is more especially when it comes to your email marketing newsletter. If you’re looking for easy ways to improve your existing newsletter (or start one from scratch) then look no further. Here are some quick tips to make your email newsletters stand out in the busy inbox and get your subscribers talking (and buying).

#1 – Manage Expectations

Whether folks are signing up for your emails online or at your place of business, let them know what value they can expect from you in your newsletters. That may be bi-weekly discounts on certain items, or invites to high-tech events. Whatever it is, let them know the frequency and the general content they can expect to receive upfront. When there are no surprises, your readers may be less likely to unsubscribe from your emails. We have an infographic with details here.

#2 – Be a Welcome Friend

Your email inbox is like your front door. The more someone knocks – the more you want to pretend you’re not home! Let’s be honest, no one wants to be the annoying (albeit well-meaning) neighbor that drops by a little too often. Stick with the mailing frequency you promised at the time someone subscribed, and if you plan to change it and mail more often, let them know so they can decide if they want to stay on your list. By providing valuable content and mailing when you’re expected too, you’ll be welcome in your subscribers inboxes.

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