Most Americans are members of cooperatives, which contributes $1.6 trillion to today's economy. So where do credit unions fit in this big picture? Find out in this two-part episode with Vancity's Director of Business & Community Development and Board Member at Modo Co-op William Azaroff, where we discuss such items as how shareable lawn mowers affect a capitalistic economy, how to find hidden markets within your credit union's community, and how cooperatives saved us from the Industrial Revolution's pink slime.
Join us for a mighty compelling chat, as William totally delivers and more in this episode on cooperatives and where your credit union can play an integral part. You might approach business a bit differently after listening -- and visit Vancity's website to see how they walk their talk with ultra-heavy community involvement/investment. Enjoy!
If you want to know more on this topic, check out William's 2014 CU Water Cooler Symposium presentation here:
CUWCS Talk: Sawdust, Empty Bottles and Moustaches