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Social media can help you get your next job

A survey by Jobvite, a leading recruitment technology firm, recently reported some interesting findings from a base of employment recruiters. Consider these three key points:

a. 92% of recruiters report using LinkedIn to hire candidates
b. 94% of participants use Facebook in their job search
c. 55% of recruiters include Twitter in their sourcing efforts

By now, you probably know social media isn't just for posting selfies and photos of cheesecake. Social is much more than an outlet to document lives or express feelings about politics, it is also a place to brand ourselves and discover career opportunities. Making social media part of your personal branding strategy - whether you're a credit union executive or in an entry-level role looking to climb the ladder - is a very strategic move as it allows you to tap into vast networks. If you haven't done that yet, now's the time. More than 2 in 5 employers said they are less likely to interview job candidates if they're unable to find information about the candidate online.

So if you aren't present on these platforms, what are you waiting for? New Year, new you? I'm not just talking about setting up an account and never checking back. This is the fastest way to let it disappear into the vast land of online profiles. You should be actively leveraging each platform to reach your professional goals. It is estimated that a third of employers who screen candidates via social networks found information that caused them to hire a candidate. This included content that showed personality and personal/professional interests confirming the person was a good fit for a company culture. And remember, social media invisibility can be an indicator that you're not up to speed with technology and the digital world.

A word of caution; it's one thing to make the most out of the features of social platforms, but it's another to build long lasting relationships that will continue to support your professional growth. Make every effort to take your connections offline. Attending face to face meetings, grabbing lunch or coffee or sending a handwritten note, can go a long way to cementing a relationship. You can also use your phone to actually speak with people! Social media networks provide access to vast worldwide networks of people and brands, but can only go so far in replacing genuine human interactions. Besides, that's not what social media is for anyway.

Leverage what these social platforms offer to build your network, help establish yourself as an authority or influencer in your industry, and connect with like-minded professionals and advance your career.

One last finding to consider:

A quarter of recruiters think selfies make candidates look bad.

Bryan Clagett

Bryan Clagett
