Sowing the seeds of loyal, long-term borrower relationships

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Let’s think, for a moment, of your mortgage lending operations as a garden: your institution is the plot of land in which borrowers can set down roots to flourish, and it’s up to you, the lender, to tend to those borrowers’ unique needs and encourage those roots to deepen by fostering loyalty and trust.

So, how do you build that good rapport? It starts with understanding borrowers’ challenges and responding to them with relevant solutions, streamlined experiences, and a personal touch.

Every borrower brings unique needs to the table

You wouldn’t tend to a cactus the same way that you’d tend to a fern. The same is true for your borrowers, who come to your institution from a variety of circumstances that inform how you’ll need to care for them and address their requirements. While some factors—such as today’s higher rates and home prices—are practically universal experiences, other factors widely vary from person to person. For example, first-time homebuyers may need more guidance at certain points in the process than someone who’s more familiar with buying a home.


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