Thaler calls CU leaders to action ahead of NAFCU’s Congressional Caucus

With NAFCU’s Virtual Congressional Caucus kicking off on Monday, the association’s Vice President of Legislative Affairs Brad Thaler penned an op-ed in CU Today calling credit union leaders to action to advocate for the nation’s servicemembers.

“As I write this, bank lobbyists are hard at work distorting the facts to trick Congress into treating for-profit mega-banks the same as local, not-for-profit credit unions when it comes to nominal leases on military bases,” wrote Thaler.

As credit union advocates join NAFCU next week in the association’s advocacy efforts, Thaler asked credit union leaders to join in opposition to this banker-sought policy change regarding leases on military bases.  Under a provision in the Senate version of the FY 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the Department of Defense would be required to treat all for-profit banks and not-for-profit credit unions that same when it comes to nominal cost leases on military installations.

“NAFCU is leading the fight with others in the credit union industry to ensure this misguided policy does not get included in the final 2021 NDAA – and we hope you will join us in this fight,” Thaler said. “This is what we do at NAFCU: We fight for credit unions, their 121 million members, and our local communities.”


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