People hate to be told “NO” – in professional and even personal settings. It’s uncomfortable and embarrassing at times and really forces us to be vulnerable, which is hard for most people.
There is risk involved in sharing an idea you care about passionately and having others reject or dismiss it.
Someone asked me a few weeks ago “what is the best piece of advice you have for young professionals?” After thinking about it, I said, “No is not the worst thing you can hear in your job. Instead, the worst thing you can hear is your own silence when you don’t share that great idea or recommend something you think would be beneficial for your credit union’s growth goals.”
I’m not saying that it is appropriate to run around and be loudmouthed about everything you think and be argumentative if you don’t agree with every single thing your credit union does or think you can do it better. What I am saying is that you have a voice. Whether you are in the accounting department or in marketing or anywhere in between – remember – you were hired to do a job based on the skills and expertise on your resume and throughout your career.
If your experience and your knowledge and the things you have learned all point toward something you really think would benefit the credit union – sell it to your CEO or manager. Say nothing because you don’t want to stick your neck out for fear of rejection. You aren’t going to get fired for having ideas.
Your credit union needs YOU. You have a unique set of gifts and talents. Use them to their potential. For your credit union. But most importantly, for you. Take the risk.
“If you risk nothing, you risk everything.” –Geena Davis