The Twelve Days of Electronic Marketing

by Ron Daly

If you’re waiting until the last minute to figure out that perfect gift for a special someone, might I dissuade you from looking into giving them the “Twelve Days of Christmas” gifts? Twelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, and so on, will cost you quite a pretty penny. Plus, where do you put it all? I haven’t really got the room for the 364 total presents I’d be getting. Maybe we could stick the birds outside in the back yard, but all the milk maids and leaping gentlemen would be a little annoying.

I’ve decided none of you is getting all these birds, rings, busy artisans, etc. Instead, I’m giving you the twelve days of electronic marketing! Sing along, if you think you can.

On the 12 Days of Christmas, DigitalMailer Gave to Me: 

12 Months of eMailing – A monthly email newsletter doesn’t cost much to send and gives your customers an idea of what’s shaking at your business.

11 major holidays– You’ve got:

  1. New Year’s
  2. Valentine’s Day
  3. St. Patrick’s Day
  4. Easter
  5. Mother’s Day
  6. Father’s Day
  7. 4th of July
  8. “Back-to-School”
  9. Halloween
  10. Thanksgiving
  11. Christmas/Holiday

That’s eleven easy touch-points with built-in branding to play with – get to work and make something outstanding.

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