THINK22: Why the return of this thought leadership conference matters

The credit union industry’s most talked about event is back. THINK 22, May 2-6 in Chicago, marks the return of Co-op’s flagship live conference after two years of being virtual. For nearly 15 years, THINK has been the place for forward-thinking credit union leaders to get together, open their minds and consider the future. In a changed world, the importance of gathering in person with strategy-minded friends and colleagues seems more urgent than ever. The questions facing every credit union loom large: How do you deliver the experiences that build primary financial relationships? How do you meet the pace of change and drive growth?

Ready to Rethink Everything

More than two years after the last in-person THINK conference, the change Co-op saw coming has arrived. And though Co-op did not predict a multi-year pandemic that would challenge credit unions and alter the lives of the people they serve, for many years we’ve been co-creating solutions to the essential question, “How do we evolve to swiftly meet the challenges of our day?” Now is the time to rethink everything. To look at our industry with a different perspective and truly understand the importance of knowing members like never before.

Why THINK? THINK 22 will feature an all-star lineup of keynote speakers, signature power sprints and master classes for industry insiders, as well as the best networking opportunities in the business—all to inspire and ignite transformational change at a moment that clearly calls for it. And though the industry has been through a tumultuous few years, THINK offers a template for understanding and responding to current trends and shifting member expectations to enable credit unions with actionable strategies for growth.


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