Three keys to better branding in 2021

Branding in 2021 is not going to look massively different than branding in previous years…it will just be about a thousand times more critical that you get it right.

In the current market environment, financial institutions need a lot to succeed. Dedicated staff, amped-up employee wellness and thoughtful leadership are a given. However, credit unions and community banks cannot afford to lose sight of the important role branding will play in their success next year.

Your brand is the rock upon which your financial institution is built and the system to which it can always turn, even in the most challenging times (looking at you, 2020). With that in mind, consider the following keys to better branding in 2021.

Reinforce your brand positioning and message

If there was ever a time to double-down on your key brand identity, this is it. Your answer to the consumer question, “Why should I choose you?” is critical. You must continue to answer this question and honestly define why you exist and what you do best for consumers. They are looking for solutions and connection; these things come from your brand positioning and message (which we help you find in Phase Three of the CU Growth Accelerator™).


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