Too good to be true? Think again.

Want the easiest way to increase sales by up to 21%, lower turnover rates and increase market share by 25%?

If you’re reading this and thinking, ‘This is too good to be true,’ it might just be. There’s no easy button to press and no magic elixir to make this happen. What you need to do is empower your employees. In a financial world where we are often constrained or choked by regulation and processes, there is often a workforce who is also experiencing the same feelings due to internal processes, bureaucracy or even micromanagement.

The inability to act autonomously or within personal discretion goes out the window. It’s easy to see that due to past incidents, employees or members there may be constraints or processes in place that limit the discretionary capabilities your team otherwise might enjoy. Seldom are these processes in place due to new leadership, longtime employees or your ideal members. If you realize your team isn’t performing at its peak, the culture has diminished or even experiencing higher turnover rates recently, it may be time to hit reset and give more power to the people with expected higher returns. The more empowered your team is can translate into a better informed, engaged and qualified pool of applicants when the time comes to fill higher-level positions in the future.

What your credit union can achieve with empowered employees

  1. Increased job satisfaction


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